Troubleshooting: Unable to Remove Page Redirect URLs

  • Platform
  • Evoq Content
  • Evoq Engage


Unable to remove page redirect URLs through the web UI.

Possible Cause



  1. Back up the site and the database.
  2. Go to Persona Bar > Settings > SQL Console.
  3. Find the identifier (TabID) of the problematic page.
    1. Run the following SQL script:
      SELECT TabID FROM tabs
      WHERE TabName = '@NameOfPage'
      where @NameOfPage is the name of the page.
    Note: You will need the TabID returned by the query in the following steps.
  4. Delete all redirects.
    1. Run the following SQL script:
      DELETE FROM taburls
      WHERE TabID = @X AND HttpStatus = 301
      where @X is the identifier of the page.
  5. Delete specific redirects.
    1. Run the following SQL script:
      DELETE FROM taburls
      WHERE Tabid = @X AND HttpStatus = 301 AND Url = '@Y'
      • @X is the identifier of the page, and
      • @Y is the URL to remove.