The new 2sxc offers many long awaited highlights and settings, incl. button-configuration on hyperlink (hide adam, show pages), many operations on the value filter (contains, between, etc.) and more.
1. Material Design for Editor
The new look when editing is cleaner, hides everything that's not immenently important and puts the labels on the side if there is enough space. This should make editing even more fun then ever.

2. New hide/publish/unpublish
Previously it was only possible to hide the last edit-changes. Now you can re-hide previously published content, with the new selector (documentation):

3. Operators on the ValueFilter data source
Previously you could only do filters like Name = Daniel - or more often Url=[QueryString:Id]. Now there are about 20 different operators like begins, contains, !contains, between and more. Check out the documentation here.
4. DnnUserProfile Data Source
Ever wanted to create user directories or show user-profile pages? Now it's super easy with the Dnn User Profile DataSource. You can also just use it in the visual query designer to deliver the data to your JavaScript app or whatever. It's awesome, and we're already using it in a real-life project - check the documentation:

5. Configure Buttons on Hyperlink
Also long-awaited, as there are some cases where the user should only pick a page and not upload an ADAM image. You can now hide all ADAM buttons and show only the page-picker. Check the documentation.
6. Access data from other Apps / Portals
This was always difficult without code, now you can do it with the normal App DataSource in the visual query designer - documentation. Enjoy :)

Release Candidate because of Vacation
In case you're wondering why it's still RC: this is because most of us will be away for a few weeks, so if you use it in production and run into something big, we won't be able to help you on short notice.
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Love from Switzerland,
Daniel and the 2sic team