One of the enhanced features of DotNetNuke 4.7.0 will be the Bulkmail (or Newsletter) module in Admin menu. This module got a few enhancements during the recent versions, I would like to include into this overview.
Let's start at the topic of the input form:

In DNN 4.6.0, the role group selector has been added (which will only show up, if you created an additional role group in Admin :: Roles), this allows better user management in large sites with many roles (e.g. has over hundred of themI).
There is now a new language filter, which will only show up, if your portal has more than one active language. The laguage filter allows to send e.g. newsletter in English Language to all subscribers, who selected English as preferred language in their profile and German newsletter to all subscribers, who selected German as preferred language in their profile.
Reply To was added in DNN 4.6.0, to be able to specify a reply to address which might be different from the sender, what can be necessary to avoid your mails being classified as spam.
Advanced Options

Replace Tokens has already been covered by a previous post.
If No Duplicate addresses is enabled, each email address included in selected roles and additional emails will only get one copy, regardless, how many users share the same email address. If Replace Tokens is enabled (and not BCC send method selected), properties of the first user will be filled in. If the option is disabled, each registered user in the selected roles and each distinct additional email address will now get a single copy.
In DNN 4.7.0, a new Send method has been added on special request of our french User Group leader: If you select Relay, you can specify a relay address, all emails are sent to. This option is of value, if you want to address users by SMS or Fax using a relay service, in this use case you need to enter the [profile:mobile] oder [profile:fax] token inside the subject or body according to the service specification. In this scenario, you need to enable Replace Tokens.
I hope you will like the new features and look forward to DNN 4.7.0