Content Marketing Defined

Photo source: TopRank Online Marketing on

Recently, I used to
Google Trends to look at search traffic for the term "content marketing." I
know that content marketing is becoming popular, but I was not expecting to see that
interest has
grown fivefold in the last few years:

If you’re not
familiar with content marketing, you’re probably wondering, am I missing
something? What is content marketing anyway?
Five Definitions of Content Marketing
I'll give you five definitions from different (and trustworthy) sources, so you can
have a complete picture of what it is and what it can do for you.
1) Wikipedia
“Content marketing
is any marketing format that involves the creation and sharing of media and
publishing content in order to acquire customers. This information can be
presented in a variety of formats, including news, video, white papers,
e-books, infographics, case studies, how-to guides, question and answer
articles, photos, etc.
Content marketing
creates interest in a product through educational or informative material.
Successful content marketing relies on providing "consistent, high-quality
content that solves people's problems.”
Read the full article at:
2) Content Marketing Institute
“Content marketing
is a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable
content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target
audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action. Basically,
content marketing is the art of communicating with your customers and prospects
without selling. It is non-interruption marketing.”
Read the full article at:
Marketing Institute
3) Rebecca Lieb
“Content marketing
is a pull, rather than a push, strategy. Content doesn’t interrupt, it
Read the full article by
Lieb in Advertising Age
4) Fusion Marketing Experience
“Content marketing
is an umbrella term covering a set of strategies, techniques and tactics to
fulfill business goals by using content across the customer life cycle and the
business functions in a consistent, integrated and continuous way. Content
marketing is not about advertising campaigns or short- and mid-term marketing
strategies. It’s not the same as using content in a systematic way for search
engine marketing, PR or other forms of marketing either. Search engine marketing
using content is search engine marketing. In the strict sense, content
marketing is connected, customer-centric, systematic, strategic and ongoing.
Good content
attracts, informs, persuades, serves and engages buyer personas, prospects,
customers and other target audiences across the entire lifecycle and
relationship with your organization. It responds to the questions and needs of
prospective customer during and after their buyer journey in correlation with
direct and indirect business goals.”
Read the full article at:
Fusion Marketing Experience
5) Altimeter Group
“Content Marketing
is a term that refers to the creation and sharing of content for marketing
purposes. In digital channels, it refers to content that resides on properties
the brand or marketer owns (e.g. website) or largely controls from a content
perspective (social media channels, syndication). Content Marketing differs
from advertising in that, unlike advertising, a media buy is never part of the
Read the full report at:
Alimeter Group
My Take
I like to read many different points of view before making my own, which is why I
wanted to
share five different definitions. Here are my takeaways from our five leading experts. Content marketing is:
- The art of selling without
- A marketing technique that
allows you to inform potential customers before
they acquire your products or services.
- A way of attracting potential
buyers to your website (or other content assets) without using shameless
- Any marketing format that
involves the creation and sharing of media and publishing content in order to
acquire customers.
Share Your Thoughts
Are there other
definitions you like that you want to share? Use the Comments area below to share your own definition.