Recently, we participated in a
MarketingProfs virtual conference on content marketing. DNN had a virtual booth and I presented a session, "How to Make Your Content Marketing Stand Out from the Crowd."
Tips from Content Marketing Experts
To assist with my presentation, I reached out to content marketing experts. I asked each of them to share a tip on how to make your content marketing unique. Please give a round of applause to these experts:
Yael Kochman (@YaelKochman)
Stacey Miller (@staceylamiller)
Carter Hostelley (@carterhostelley)
Guillaume Decugis (@gdecugis)
Leslie Belknap (@LeslieBelknap)
Craig Rosenberg (@funnelholic)
Margaret Molloy (@MargaretMolloy)
Brad Shorr (@bradshorr)
Jeanne Sachs (@jlsachs)
Eric Wittlake (@wittlake)
Jason Miller (@JasonMillerCA)
Pam Neely (@PamellaNeely)
Brian Honigman (@BrianHonigman)
Todd Wheatland (@ToddWheatland)
Carrie Jones (@caremjo)
Barry Feldman (@FeldmanCreative)
View the Presentation
The slides from our presentation can be found below. If you enjoy a tip, feel free to click the "Tweet this" button directly on the slide. Thanks!
How to Make Your Content Marketing Stand Out from The Crowd from DNN

How to Make Your Content Marketing Unique (Now That Everyone’s Doing It)
By Dennis Shiao