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Hi, our corporate Portal website is currently on DNN 5. And we also have a web application. Both are secure https, we have our own authentication service.
Currently the only way you travel between the web app and the DNN portal website is a link on a page.
Product Manager wants it this way:
- Customer logs in
- DNN Portal website opens with a 'splash screen' as a popup
- Popup says a few things including "Continue to web app".
- If they close the popup they can browse the portal website.
Can I do this in DNN 5 right now?
I'm currently evaluating DNN 7 with your trial website. I notice the trial website makes extensive use of pop-ups. So it's obviously doable in 7.
Can you explain to me how to do it in 7? I am not hugely technical (even tho' I'm a technical writer! ha.
Thank you kindly.
Is there a webpage that shows the major differences between DNN 5 and 7 so I can make my business case? Thank you.