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My page skin has two instances of SOLPART menu.
One instance is a horizontal navbar that is coded in the skin like this:
" iconwidth="0" submenuitemselectedcssclass="MainMenu_SubMenuItemSelected" menueffectsshadowstrength="25" menueffectsshadowcolor="black" menueffectstransition="Fade" />
The other instance is a vertical menu on the left side of the page. It shows a list of links to all the pages that share a common parent page with the page that is currently displayed. It is coded like this:
" menubreakcssclass="LeftMenu_MenuBreak" separatorcssclass="LeftMenu_Separator" menucontainercssclass="LeftMenu_MenuContainer" menubarcssclass="LeftMenu_MenuBar" menuitemcssclass="LeftMenu_MenuItem" submenucssclass="LeftMenu_SubMenu" rootmenuitemactivecssclass="LeftMenu_RootMenuItemActive" rootmenuitemselectedcssclass="LeftMenu_RootMenuItemSel" />
At the beginning of my skin's ASXC file, I have changed this line ...
... to look like this:
After the change, the first menu instance (the horizontal one) looks and behaves identically. However, the second instance (the vertical one) no longer uses the CSS I have defined for it. I can see this by using Firebug to inspect various items in both menus.
Can anyone please suggest what is preventing the vertical menu from using the styles that are defined for it?
Thanks for your help!