Upgradation of jquery version 1.6.4 to jquery 1.7.2 in DNN 6.01.05 Because of does not support IE10.
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Upgradation of jquery version 1.6.4 to jquery 1.7.2 in DNN 6.01.05 Because of does not support IE10.
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An application using jquery autocomplete function in dnn 6.01.05 this version of dnn already "Installed jQuery Version: 1.6.4 it works fine with IE9 but does not work in IE10 . When the same application is installed on DNN version 7 this version of DNN already "Installed jQuery Version: 1.7.2 it works fine with both IE 9 and IE10. Searching a solution by which I can use this application with DNN version 6.01.05 works with i IE10 also . Is there any way to upgrade the jquery version of DNN 6.01.05.