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long time ago,
tony bonn
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does anyone know how to add twitter authentication to dnn 7.1? does it even work?
i configured the twitter dnn module by supplying the twitter consumer key and consumer question, and enabling it. the twitter button shows for the login pop-up.
i configured twitter with a callback url to my home page.
when logging in via twitter, i was redirected to its authorization page, which after approval, returned me to my home page but my home page displayed a critical error in pink.
i also cannot logout of my website. doing so followed by clicking login automatically logs me back into my website. i am logged out of twitter.
this is particularly frustrating since i want to login with another account but can't do so. (logging in from server is not a solution! but i can do so).
if anyone else has made this work in dnn 7 i would be interested in corrections to my errors. otherwise i assume it doesn't work.