Tutorial describing the development of a client site
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There are a lot of great articles out there, of course, but after reading dozens I still don't feel I've grasped the HIGH-level process of DNN site construction i.e. a description of the process of taking an HTML design, through a raw DNN installation and turning it all into a deployed site.
We have our HTML/CSS design which we'd like to implement as a Skin and we're making progress on that, but some questions I have are:
When do we stop working in HTML and start working in DNN? How does that "round trip" work, say if the client decides to change the original HTML layout and we have to go round again to get it back into DNN. Do we edit the HTML and "parse" again, or edit the ASCX, etc?
Can we create editable areas of the page right at the start i.e. code this into the HTML layout we have so that when it is parsed to ASCX, those areas can be edited immediately? Or do we do this in the ASCX, or in DNN?
If we have "starter" content that should be on the site when it launches, when do we add that? Is it in the original HTML, wrapped by some DNN tag that means it ends up in an HTML module, ready to edit? Or is the initial skinning/building process just supposed to create areas into which we then place the content, ready for deployment?
Hope I'm making sense! Thanks for any help/articles you can share.