Time for a new Twitter hashtag for the DNN Community?
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With the rebranding of DotNetNuke to DNN, it was tried to switch the #DotNetNuke hashtag to #DNN. It's time to admit this has failed, will continue to fail and so new ideas are needed.I'm not in favour of going back to #DotNetNuke as this will become increasingly confusing for new community members. #DNN is out because of the unspeakable amounts of trash that tag attracts. The DNN community is outgunned by flashmobs following tv shows, dance parties and who knows what else.I was in the camp of "Let's give it a go". I have left that camp, and want a discussion on what the best replacement is.Please vote on the suggestions I have made, or add your own, and make suggestions or discussions. When a clear winner is found, then I suggest adoption on Twitter tagging.
EDIT: I added a forum thread for the discussion - just vote here and discuss at the Twitter Hashtag Forum thread