DNN 7.0.6 SSL mode
We have added a sonic wall to our site and it has broken some of the code. Here is a simple example from the Login page using DNN login module. Anyone else dealing with sonic wall issues and have a approach for a fix?
Chrome debugger from Inside Network (No sonic)
img = new Image();
$(img).load(function () {
$('#' + settings.dropZoneId + '
$(img).css({ 'max-width': 180,
'max-height': 150 }).insertBefore($('#' + settings.dropZoneId + ' span'));
From the outside, Notice the extra ")" added inside the css call after the : 180
img = new Image();
() {
$('#' + settings.dropZoneId + ' img').remove();
$(img).css({ 'max-width': 180),
'max-height': 150 }).insertBefore(sw_httprp_elementInsert($('#' +
settings.dropZoneId + ' span')));