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I'm running into a large road block in my implementation, mostly because of the Site Alias functionality.
The implementation currently creates an instance of DotNetNuke which contains all of our content that makes up our Template Web-Site.
When our Customers sign up, it will create a separate directory, database, and domain. It essentially copies the Templates directory to this new database, it Restores a database backup into the new .mdf and .ldf, and it points all the proper bindings within IIS.
Essentially this one instance is copied as a starting point for all our customers.
The problem though, is though these should be separate instances they are being tied together. I believe it is because of the Site-Alias functionality. When I remove the reference to the the newly created Site on the Template, and the templates information off the Alias they become separate.
Otherwise when I change information on one, it mirrors. This could be a misunderstanding on my part; but any help would be greatly appreciated.