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Something has changed in the way that the RadEditor handles lists in 7.1.1. I am pasting in chunks of text using "Paste Plain Text" how I've always done (up to 7.0.6 most recently). Each list item being separated by a line break. After that, I usually highlight the relevant text, hit the "Bullet List" button and it's good. But it has now become very frustrating and nearly impossible to properly format a list....let alone a nested list...from the Design view alone. I keep having to switch into HTML view to manually fix things...which is not gonna fly once this is delivered to the non-developer customers. It selects a single line or selects the entire page of text (including paragraphs). I tried changing the settings on the HTML Editor Manager page, checked/unchecked "Render New Lines As Breaks", and other settings but it still won't behave as expected. What has changed?