Problem with mobileredirect and ashx image handlers
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Ok this has been keeping me busy a while time to reach out :)
For our mobile DotNetNuke websites we want to use an imagehandler that shows re-sized images so we only need to load whats needed and not the full original image. For this we are using
Without setting redirect option for the main portal to the mobile site the images render perfectly rezized and cropped just the way we want them. The mobile portal shows the images from the main portal so without setting a redirect everything works fine.
Now In my main portal i set the redirect to the mobile site. Now when i browser the mobile site in my webbrowser everything still shows perfect
However if I look at the site on a mobile I see broken image icons. I don't see any error or something in the log anywhere. So my understanding is that somehow the call to the imagehandler coming form the mobile site to show the images on the main portal ( but scaled down ) does some kind of a redirect as well and because of these redirects the images are never found so also cannot be rescaled by the handler
I know it has to do with the above because if I create my own redirect using the mobile api using some inline coding in the main portal skin the imagehandler shows the images fine.
Anyone with more insight in this would like to chip in or perhaps offer a solution or workaround I would appreciate that