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We have a DNN7 site with a store and some products give access to specialized site pages, like private forums.
We want to add a resources wiki for our products, but we want only owners of the product to be able to view them. So we simply make them visible to a role given to owners of said product.
Problem is, one of our resources require owning two products, so we'd have to have that page visible only to owners of both products.
If we add ownerProd1 and ownerProd2 roles in the viewing permissions, all owners of these products will be able to view the page even if they own only one of them.
Aside from assigning a new ownerProd1AndProd2 role and using that in the permissions, is there a way to only allow those with both roles to biew the page?
Adding this joint roles isn't really na option as our store adds products and more and more possibilities on joint resources come up. It could become helll to manage in the long run.
Any alternatives?