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long time ago,
Duncan Ion
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I appear to be having a 'senior moment'.
I've just created a new 7.2.0 website and along with all the usual Host/Admin settings, I entered my SMTP details and tested them... All OK.
However, when I went to test the 'Contact Us' (out of the box) page to use the 'Message us' section and test that... it didn't work...
A review of the underlying code suggests t hat there isn't a JavaScript reference to 'something' that would take the 'Contact Us' parameters....
Is this then, purely for display and not operative?
If that is the case, can anyone point me to the User manual section that would describe how I might produce an operational page?
(PS, I could, of course, write the code, but it seems to me that thgis aught to be 'out of the box'...
So what did I miss?