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I developed a website in DNN 6, in 2 languages: english and deutsch.
I have a problem and I don't know how to fix it. If an english page does not have a related deutsch page (I don't need all main pages from the website to be translated to deutsch), if I click on the deutsch page, I get a 404 error saying the page does not exist.
Of course it doesn't exist since I did not translate it.
I am wondering if there is a way to avoid this from happening because it's not quite professional.
Is there a setting where I check check not to display a flag in a page that has no translation?
Also, if I delete a translated page, the main page is also deleted. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
From time to time, I have to delete a page in deutsch but I want to keep the english page functional. I didn't see a way to do this.
I hope you can help.
Thank you.
Regards, AG!