When trying to turn off caching for a module (events calendar and registration) on a page, I set it to none, but when i go back into the settings, it keeps saying that it is inherited and wont stay at none, it sticks to memory. Currently i am getting ajax issues with this set to memory or file caching.
I think its inherited from the host settings, because its not on the page level and i dont see anything on the portal settings. So when i go to host settings, i cannot change the module cache setting to none (for everything).
I dont know why i cant override the module setting globally, or even on the page. I would hope this could be fixed or a new feature added to the module definition, on the control so that if we are stuck with one cache setting, we could actually set it without going into each instance of the module.
Is there anyway i can at least temporarily fix this inherited issue so my modules show up properly. thanks.