Need help please. I am using dnn 7.1.0 version. Google or Yahoo are not indexing my site www, the SEO analyzer suggestion is as follows:
The page uses a meta robots tag that needs review.
Recommended Action:
The pages uses a meta robots tag. Review the value of the tag to see if you are not unintentionally blocking the page from being indexed (NOINDEX).
SEO Explanation:
Using <meta robots> tags, you control certain crawl and indexation behaviors for the page. The content values "none", "noindex", "nofollow", "noarchive", "nosnippet", and "nocache" will trigger this rule. For example, having <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> within the page source will trigger this message, as we want to be sure you do not want Bing to index this page.
I am only a novice and have been trying to sort this problem out for the past 4 weeks; now I am at my wits end!