Login Box fails - Login button click event doesn't fire.
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I have a skin control based on the Login Control in admin/skins. The control has an alternate layout, and seems to work 99% of the time.
We have discovered that when the URL of the site only contains the domain name part, i.e. no slash, no query, no query string e.g. "http://www.mydomain.com" the login function doesn't work.
On debugging the form, we found that our OnInit function is executing, and we have bound an event to the button using the button.click+=. The event however is not being called (breakpoint on btnLogin_onclick not being hit).
Using Fiddler2, we note that the button click does indeed round-trip to the server.
Today, I have noticed that after recycling the application pool the first attempt of logging in here works, subsequent ones do not.
I have also discovered that a search form on the same page does not function.
Since the forms work on any other page, or even on the homepage if we use include "/Home.aspx", what could be going on?
Thanks in advance for your help, this is really doing my head in!