Is anyone else having problems with the Language Editor in DNN 7.2.0 and 7.2.1?
We're launching a couple new sites, and customizing the messages for Login Failed, Password Sent, etc.
1) DNN seems to be saving multiple copies of the resource files. For example, after several rounds of editing, I have several copies of the SendPassword file. Is this by design?
- SendPassword.ascx.Portal-0.resx
- SendPassword.ascx.Portal-0.Portal-0.resx
- SendPassword.ascx.Portal-0.Portal-0.Portal-0.resx
2) The first round of edits appeared normally. At some point, users started getting an incorrect Login Failed message.
web.config contains minRequiredPasswordLength="8" and minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="1"
The System, Host, and Site messages for LoginFailed.Text are all the same: "Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length and contain at least 1 non-alphanumeric characters.."
Users who provide invalid credentials see this message: "Passwords must be at least 10 characters in length and contain at least 1 non-alphanumeric characters.."
After resetting the Resource files to their default state, and trying again, the same problems occur. What's going on? Any help would be greatly appreciated.