Live Authentication on Multiple Portals - User Already Exists Error
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I have a DNN 7.1.2 host with multiple portals that use the Live Authentication 7.1.2 module. When the same live id is used on two different portals, the second portal the user tries to login to, reports the error "A User Already Exists For the Username Specified. Please Register Again Using A Different Username."
Am I missing something in configuration, or is this a short coming of the Live Authentication module (note: a regular user id can be registered on multiple portals)?
Repro Steps:
1) Install 7.1.2 DNN Host
2) Install Live Authentication Provider
3) Create Portal A and setup with Live Authentication
4) Create Portal B and setup with Live Authentication
5) Log onto Portal A using Sign In with Windows Live
6) Log onto Portal B using Sign In with Windows Live
User is authenticated and registered with Portal A.
User receives error that user already exists.
Expected Result
User is registered in the portals user id table on both portals linking to the same user id on the user id table.