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I am trying to understand how module instances are managed from a database perspective, for an entire DNN installation.
Basically, what I'd like to do is build a query that makes a portal-by-portal list of the module instances dropped on each of the pages under the portal.
I've reviewed the table schemas and discussed the issue with a co-worker, and I've determined that the schema structure is not trivial -- at least to my mind.
I know that there's a heirarchical key relationship between the follwoing tables:
(1) portals
(2) tabs
(3) tabmodules
I also see that there are two other tables, that together only seem to display some of the module instances:
(1) modules
(2) desktopModuled
To further complicate thing, I noticed there were several views that showed joins that could help me figure out my query:
(1) vm_modules
(2) vm_desktopModules
(3) vm_tabModules
It would be greatly appreciated if someone could supply a query that would even just display all modules instances under a given portal