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How does your DNN Skin affect your performance?
Question 1) does having a lot of panes make a difference, or should we opt out for minimalistic 2-3-4-5 panes per skin?
Question 2) Does the skin syntax affect much the speed ? I've read that skins using table layouts are outdated, and div skins are more modern, but does this actually affect performance ? (plenty of gorgeous usefull free skins out there that use table layout... )
Question 3) Does having a lot of DNN skin object embedded in your skin and menu providers? (the obvious answer is of course yes, everything adds up to loading time, but let's have some specifics, the do's and don'ts..)
Finally, if my other 3 questions did not cover it,
what known dnn skinobject; navmenus or other skinning techniques, can ruin the site performance?
Motto of the night: speed before beauty. performance before features.