We have the skin installed on the portal where the site in question is located.
I have created the image "SectionStyles19.jpg" and I have uploaded it to 20070-UnlimitedColorsPack-052 > images.
I have also gone into the shortcodes.css and added a "SectionStyles19" class, and re-uploaded it to 20070-UnlimitedColorsPack-052 > css.
Finally, I included the following in the html source code...<div class="SectionStyles19 pt-40 pb-40">.
Upon saving and doing a hard refresh, no background image appears in the module.
As I am admittedly confused regarding the hierarchy of stylesheets and where they call images from, I also uploaded the "SectionStyles19.jpg" file to _default > Skins > 20070-UnlimitedColorsPack-052 > images. We are still seeing no results.
Any help with where this image should be uploaded to so that the html can call it would be greatly appreciated.