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Hey folks,
DNN has been a god-send to me over the last few years, but now I have to pull together an ecommerce site that allows customers to upload images. And I simply cannot believe that there is no stand-alone file upload utility out there ready to go for DNN out of the box. All the solutions I've seen involve taking a jquery file upload pluggin and code written for ASP.NET and trying to wrap all that together into a module.
Has anyone seen a utility that I can just drop into my page and put a handler on the server and modify a web.config? I've search google and the DNN store till my fingers are bleeding. Tons of DNN Store modules with file upload but none seem to fit the bill. And after trying the Jquery File Upload from BlueImp, Backload, and a home spun ajax attempt, I'm ready to beg for help. Really hoping someone can give me some good advice.