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Hi I have had a problem with facebook authentication since some time this summer.
I have asked for support or solution for the issue before and even created a video that explains what is going on.
DNN 7.1.1 did not solve the problem, neither did DNN7.1.2 and finally now in 7.2 the problem persists.
Several persons have reported that the problem was solved for them by asking users to clear their cache but this has not been effective for my users.
Today I stumbeled upon this article.
Seems I am having the same issue in my portal take a look at this
RawURL:/Login?code=AQC-"""and a very long code"""&state=Facebook
AbsoluteURLReferrer:"""and a very long code"""&state=Facebook
as you might notice the /Login?code=
is by facebook replaced with /Login?code%3D