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long time ago,
hani damis
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my website crashed. and I couldn't restore every thing. I could migrate data to the new database. the site and the images folder. the problem that I saved the Field ID of images in developed module to show images. now when I tried to retrieved the images it couldn't appear because the Field Id is different. so now what can I do to retrieve the image to be shown .
I also synchronize the folder site root .
the error I got.
A critical error has occurred. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
below part of the code how I used the images file info. DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FileInfo fiImage3 = (DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FileInfo)FileManager.Instance.GetFile(cm.image3); fpPicture.FileID = fiImage3.FileId; fpPicture.FilePath = fiImage3.RelativePath;