I'm using the UXGuide (http://uxguide.dnnsoftware.com/UIPatterns/Tabs.aspx) to build module settings. However, I have a module that has multiple forms that I want to put on different tabs.
For example, we have a Category Manager and a Filter Manager. I would like these two forms to be in their own tabs. But I don't want to just use the jQuery tabs straight up because that would cause multiple forms to be loaded on one page. I would prefer to use a Multiview and when a person clicks on the tab for Category Manager, it displays the Category Manager view and makes the tab show as active. Then when a person clicks on the Filter Manager tab, it swiches the view accordingly.
How do I go about doing this? Or is there something special I need to do? I would also like the answer for doing the same thing but for Panels (if possible).