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Guss Davey
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DNN 7.2 (upgraded from a once DNN 5.x)On the Site Settings pageWhen I'm on the site settings page, all the panels are expanded and the tabs don't appear active. It is apparent that the JS is failing somehow. I looked at the console in Firefox and it says "CodeMirror is undefined"When I browsed to Resources/Shared/components/CodeEditor/lib/, I see the CSS and JS files there. I tried replacing them with the newest files from the install package but it made no difference.How do I fix this issue?Thanks
Thanks for the suggestions. Here's more information:
1. Fiddler doesn't show any errors with the page.
2. I'm using local jQuery/jQueryUI. I also tried using Hosted and it makes no difference.
3. I tried used a default DNN skin to no avail.