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At the beginning of October I had a windows update kill my DNN install. I had to remove the updates one by one until I got the system back.
Now in the last week I have had the App Pool have some issues as I now get the "site is under construction" page. I have the main site and the client's site and nothing else on this server. Once I go in and recycle the AppPool the site comes up after a few minutes. But this is really pissing off the client. I'm at a loss to why this is happening.
Is there an update to a more stable version of DNN 6.x? Would moving to DNN 7.x benefit me more? I am even willing to move this site to a DNN hosting service as this is costing me too much per month. I have DNN 5.x host that has never given me problems on another machine.
Both my environments are Amazon EC2, win 2008 R2 servers. The DNN 5.x has html sites, wordpress sites and never an issue. DNN 6.0x.x box is a nightmare.
How hard would it be to move this to a hosted site?