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Hi to everybody from here in Australia.
I am working at customising a skin file and I would like to be able to particularly customise the menu which I have recently changed over to the DDR menu.
Having read through the documentation on the Dotnetnuke Wiki I have made these changes to my skin file.
As per the wiki article I have added:
<%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" Namespace="DotNetNuke.UI.Skins" Assembly="DotNetNuke" %>
to the top of the skin file and followed the following code were I wish the menu to be.
<dnn:NAV runat="server" ID="dnnNAV" ProviderName="DDRMenuNavigationProvider" IndicateChildren="false" ControlOrientation="Horizontal" CSSControl="menuBar" >
<dnn:CustomAttribute Name"effect" value"puff"/>
<dnn:CustomAttribute Name"effectOptions" value"(percent:200)"/>
<dnn:CustomAttribute Name"effectSpeed" value"slow"/>
with this I get an error as follows:
Could Not Load Skin: /Portals/_default/Skins/sF001_SeaGreen/H Bordered.ascx, Error: Literal content ('<dnn:CustomAttribute Name"effect" value"puff"/> <dnn:CustomAttribute Name"effectOptions" value"(percent:200)"/> <dnn:CustomAttribute Name"effectSpeed" value"slow"/>') is not allowed within a 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.CustomAttribute, DotNetNuke, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]'.
If I remove the custom attributes tags and only have this code:
<dnn:NAV runat="server" ID="dnnNAV" ProviderName="DDRMenuNavigationProvider" IndicateChildren="false" ControlOrientation="Horizontal" CSSControl="menuBar" />
where I want the menu to be it works fine.
It seems that it is the custom attributes to the menu that caused the problem.
Once again any help would be appreciated on this matter.