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I got this one from my marketing department and it kind of stumped me so I thought I would post it up here...Our site is setup to cater to 3 audiences. On our home page, we have Text/HTML modules that describe each of those audiences. Unfortunately, there is a link at the end of the text to take the site visitor to that section. Marketing looked at me and said "Why can't the whole text box be a link?" I got to say ... they have a point. I looked through modifying the Text/HTML to do this and frankly can't follow the new module programming. I need to spend some time re-learning this but don't have the time now. I tried to look through the DNN Store (formerly Snowcovered) and didn't find what I was looking for except for something possibly from Mandeeps but my needs are not covered until their next rev.Does anyone know of a way to accomplish this today?