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Phil Speth
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if (Settings.ContainsKey("filterBy"))
string toArr = (string)Settings["filterBy"];
string Subject = "Contact Us Enquiry";
string ThanksBody = "Thank you for sending your message. We are currently going through all replies and will be in touch.";
string email = Email.Value;
Body.Append("Contact Us Enquiry" +
"First Name: " + Name.Value + "" +
"Contact Number: " + ContactNumber.Value + "" +
"Email: " + Email.Value + "" +
"Description: " + textarea.Value + "");
DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail.SendMail(Host.HostEmail, toArr, email, Subject, Body.ToString(), "", "HTML", Host.SMTPServer, Host.SMTPAuthentication, Host.SMTPUsername, Host.SMTPPassword);
DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail.SendMail(Host.HostEmail, email, "", Subject, ThanksBody, "", "HTML", Host.SMTPServer, Host.SMTPAuthentication, Host.SMTPUsername, Host.SMTPPassword);
Hi Above is my code the problem is the code doesnt want to Bcc its only sending the mail to toArr any ideas