Hi, all. New to DNN and working on a very challenging project. We have both content and web app needs. My customer has a new site design that greatly mixes the two. We are looking to standardize on Angular.js for web apps but our wondering whether there might be a way to have our multi-page angular transactions live within a DNN context - meaning that the navigation, roles, content are managed by DNN in a way wherein when switching between the Angular app and the CMS we don't have to develop duplicate nav components. I guess the worry is that if I press a "next" button in the Angular app do I lose the nav? Can the Angular route be proxied through DNN back to the angular app to allow the application to proceed to the next step while allowing the CMS to manage the rest? Perhaps this is making it too complicated but the customer is insistent. I've seen some other CMS allow Angular.js to run within some context. Thanks!