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long time ago,
John Lynch
Adding a new query module by copying an existing one
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Hello, I recently took over as manager for IT in my organization and I am trying to add a new query page to my version 5 DNN site. Basically we have 5 pages that essentially bring up the same information from the SQL 2005 database, the only difference is that each page queries a different department. Our customer requested that we add additional departments, so I added the existing departments to one of the SQL queries and it worked fine. However, the customer wants a separate page for each department, so that solution will not work. I can create a new page within the DNN software and I have created a new SQL stored procedure query for the correct department, but I’m having trouble getting the new page to access the new query (I have no idea how a page links to a SQL stored procedure, I cannot find any reference points, but I do know the other 4 pages work fine). I’m assuming it’s a DNN module that has to be created that links the page to the stored procedure, as each of the other 4 queries have their own module. What are the steps to do this? Thanks so much for your time!!