Import a Site

  • Platform
  • Evoq Content
  • Evoq Engage
Warning: You cannot undo an import. Back up your site and database before proceeding.


  • A host / super user account. Hosts have full permissions to all sites in the DNN instance.
  • The export folders must be copied to the server that hosts the target site.


  1. Go to Persona Bar > Settings > Import-Export.
    Persona Bar > Settings > Import-Export
  2. Choose a site to import to.

    Site dropdown

  3. Click/Tap the Import Data button.

    Import Data button

  4. Click/Tap the package to import. Then Continue.

    Package selected for import; Continue button enabled.

  5. Configure the import settings.

    Import settings

    Field Description
    Overwrite Collisions If enabled (On), objects in the target site will be overwritten.
    Run Now If enabled (On), the process starts immediately.
  6. Continue.

What to do next

Check the Import / Export Log for the status of the import.