There is something fundamentally different in how you use
Skins and
Containersand this influences the HTML, IDs and Classes you can use.
A page can have only one Skin, but because you can have several
Modules all with a container on the same page there are 2 things you should take care of.
1. You cannot use Ids in the static HTML of your container.
The reason for this is that a container can appear more than once on the same page
(if 2 modules have the same container).
Using an ID would result in an XHTML error, since ID’s must be unique.
2. You should try to use unique "root" CSS classes in your containers and address those.
If you don’t ,you risk two containers influencing each other.
If two containers have a style selector (read class) in common their styles will influence each other.
In that case the container that gets loaded last on the page will overrule the one before it.
This also allows you to use less stylesheets.
If you have a blue and a red container your HTML could look like this:
Blue Container:
<div class="Container CBlue">
<!-- Container content -->
Red Container:
<div class="Container CRed">
<!-- Container content -->
Then Container.css could contain all the CSS both share plus:
.CBlue {color:#00F;}
.CRed {color:#F00;}
Which saves you 2 stylesheets being loaded: Blue.css and Red.css
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