arifshah wrote
I know accessibility and compliant HTML are different issues but I have read interviews from Tim O' Brien on Lee Syke's website where they claim that if the document definition is changed to XHTML and some changes are made in default.aspx with minor changes in ascx controls for modules, the website completely validates to W3C standards.
Ofcourse he has used just text/html module on his site. Those changes would need to be spread over all the other ascx controls for the modules. But still, that would be the first step for an accessible website.......completely valid HTML.
Is there any reason why is this process not implemented in the default installation of dotnetnuke??
I have a complete tutorial on my site at for registered users that walks through the relatively simple steps required for creating a valid XHTML site from DNN with text/html, image and links modules. My site validates and tests succesfully with the accessibility tools I have thrown at it. I have launched a new site at which I intend to turn into a repository for free xhtml based skins, as well as a gallery for good CSS design (ie not by me, real design skills required
) in DNN.
There are a number of reasons why the output html of so many modules is so scrappy, sometimes it's the ASP 1.1 intrinsic controls, sometimes it's just basic mistakes in the code, uppercase or unclosed tags for instance.
As Cathal points out changing the DTD would be a breaking change causing rendering problems with a large proportion of exisiting skins. Having said that, if you have a Mac it is practically impossible to maintain a 3.2.2 DNN site with any of the available browsers on that platform with the default skin. Is that acceptable?
The legal issues with unaccessible sites are real enough, though, see for details.
In my view, web professionals should no more put their name to web sites that fail to validate than ship code that fails to compile.