Hello all,
I want to customize the standard vendors module (I have already removed the banners, authorized, and that kind of stuff) to be able to have the end user sort the results based on what they are interested in.
I have a list of hotels, motels, resorts and bed and breakfasts. I have added those into the sql categories. I want people to be able to sort through them by clicking the on bed and breakfasts, or resorts, or hotels, or 'all'. My problem is changing the line:
grdVendors.DataSource = objVendors.GetVendors(Portal, True, CurrentPage - 1, PageSize, TotalRecords)
If i change this to reflect the filter, ie add in a parameter variable to narrow it down to the requested item, and modify the stored procedure in SQL, i get this error:
Error 31 Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'GetVendors' accepts this number of arguments.
I know it has something to do with dll files and the references, but I can not figure out how to either add new one or modify 'GetVendors'
I have been banging my head against a wall for too long for this. If there is an easier way to do this, or there is a free module (I am a cheapskate
) out there, I am open to suggestion.
Some one please help!