Cross Article 5.1 (For dnn 5.1 +) Buy it
1. Introduction
This module is first released on 2004 to Chinese dotnetnuke community as a example module. We have received many suggestions since its release. A few months ago, we decide to rewrite it to fully take advantage of dnn 5.x framework. After two months develop, we make it out.
Cross Article 5.1 contains 10 sub modules which offer many exclusive features you may interested. It is one of the best solutions for news/article/blog/Magazine/content manage module.
2. Precondition
1. Dnn 5.1.0 and above
2. Sql server 2005/2008 or sql express 2005/2008
3. framework 3.5 and above.
3. Try before you buy
We strongly recommend you try this module before you buy. You can
1. View live demo at
2. Download trial version at The trial version has the same features with the official version, but it can only used in localhost domain names.
4. Module Features
There are 10 sub-modules in this package:
4.1 CrossArticle_Admin
This module is used to maintain article category/article list/tag list/user file /article comment.You only need one instance per portal.
When login as site administrator, it will display all features as following:
4.1.1 Admin_General Settings
“General settings“ is only available for adminitrators. It let you control the basic settings of article module.
You can control category/article/tag/comment manage roles, you can also select roles can add his own article. Users belong to article edit roles can maintain his folder/files under portal home directory. When add articles, he can select images/attachments from his own files. You can specify user disk quote at “User disk quote“ text box. Enter 0 will not limit user file disk quote.
Besides that, you can also control the thumbnail generate and comment/rating/recommend/attachment download options.
4.1.2 Admin_Category Manage
“Category Manage“ is available for both adminitrators and category manage roles. It let you maintain article categories for all users.
Module use tree to populate categories,you can add unlimited level of categoires as your wish. A article can belong to multiple categories(limited by “General settings - category selection counts“). For existing category,you can change its parent, view order and other information.
4.1.3 Admin_Import from announcements module.
Many people used dnn standard announcements module to publish news before, so we provides this feature to let you import announcements data. This funtion is only available for adminitrators.
4.1.4 Admin_portal tag manage.
Available for both adminitrators and tag manage roles. It let you maintain article tags created by all users.
4.1.5 Admin_Portal Article Manage
“Article Manage“ is available for both adminitrators and article manage roles. It let you maintain articles created by all users.
You can edit/delete article item, authorized it, change its active status or set article as featured. Unauthorized and unactive article will not display to visitors.
4.1.6 Admin_Comment Manage
“Comment Manage“ is available for both adminitrators and comment manage roles. It let you maintain comments posted to all articles.
You can authorize/delete comment , unauthorized comment will not display to visitors.
When a normal user visit Cross_article_Admin module, he can't only see a login tips.
When a user belong to category/article/comment manage roles, he will see related features like category manage/portal article manage/comment manage.
When a user belong to article edit roles, he will see features as following:
4.1.7 Admin_User file manager
Click “My files“ will navigate to “User file manage“ control. It is only available to article edit roles. It let user maintain his folder/file under portal home directory, when add articles, he can only choose images/attachments of his own.
User can add/delete his own folders.
User can upload files to his own folder, it also support decompress zip files while upload.
For existing files, user can change its name/attribute, or delete it. It also supports copy/move files under his own folders. User can also decompress zip files.
Note, this feature doesn't available for site administrators because he can manage all portal files under dnn standard “Admin - File Manager“ menu.
Administrator can limit user disk quote under “General settings - user disk quote“.If user disk quote is reached, he can't upload any files.
4.1.8 Admin_User article manage
Click “My Articles“ will let user maintain his article lists. It is available for both administrator and article edit roles.
User can add/delete article item, change its active status. He can also select a article item, click the right “copy as new” button to add a new article more quickly.
A article can belong to multiple categories and multiple tags.
When administrator add article, he can select article image from all portal files. When other users add article, he can only select article image from his own files.
User can add multiple attachments with single article, and choose which roles can download them. Note, user can only select attachments from his own files.
If user also belongs to article manage roles,he can change article authorized/featured status by his own.
Each article item can has its own rating/comment/recommend settings.
Module will aotumatic generate thumbnail for article image.
4.1.9 Admin_User comment manage
Click “My article comments“ will navigate to “User comment manage“ control. It is available for both administrator and article edit roles. It let user maintain comments posted to his article. User can authorize/delete comment it. Unauthorize comment will not display to visitors.
4.2 CrossArticle_List
This module is used to display article list. You can add multiple instance as you want.
Click “article list settings“ to control the layout of article list.
CrossArticle_List module is template based,you can customize your own templates.
Supports two display style: List and grid. List style supports multiple columns per row.
In “Category“ section, you can select display articles for all categoires or only for certain categories.
“Image” section let you customize the article image layout, set image width/height. It also supports the “light box “ popup effect.
“Paing“ section controls the paing information.
“Roll“ section provides roll functions
“More articles“ provides a “more articles“ link.
“Display content“ section let you control which fields are displayed in list.
You can use above options to generate different display style as your wish. Below is some examples.
Example 1 ( Simple list style)
Example 2(search/image/sumary/recommend/rss , and more article link)
4.3 CrossArticle_ListDashboard
This module is used to display dashboard article list via flash. You can add multiple instance as you want.
Click “dashboard settings“ to open its setttings wizard.
This module is also template based,you can customize your own templates.
Supports three flash display style: Numeric navigate(classical),Numeric navigate(black),Numeric navigate(integrative). Each flash has its own control options.
Numeric navigate(classical) can play up to 9 article items. The other two has no limitation.
Numeric navigate(classical)
4.4 Cross_Article_Category
This module is used to display article categories. You can add multiple instance as you want.
Click “Category settings“ to open its setttings control.
Supports two display style: List and Tree.
CrossArticle_Category example.
4.5 CrossArticle_Search
This module is used to provide article search. You can add multiple instance as you want.
Module is also template based,you can customize your own templates.
You can change whether to show article categories in search options.
Cross_article_search example
4.6 CrossArticle_Detail
This module is used to display article detail information. Normally you only need 1 instance per portal. In some cases,you can also add multiple instances. For example ,if you need different detail page to display different articles. In this case,you need set “article detail page“ option in CrossArticle_List module.
Click “Detail settings“ to open its setttings control.
Module is also template based,you can customize your own templates.
You can control article fields to show.
Module will automatic add article name as page key words to meet search engineers.
If article allows rating or comments, you can also see the comment information in article detail page.
Cross_article_detail comment
4.7 CrossArticle_TagList
This module is used to display article tag list. You can add multiple instance to pages..
Module is also template based,you can customize your own templates.
Click “Tag list settings“ to open its setttings control.
4.8 CrossArticle_TagDashboard
Display article tag list via flash . You can add multiple instance to pages..
Module is also template based,you can customize your own templates.
Click “Tag dashboard settings“ to open its setttings control.
4.9 CrossArticle_Author
Display article creator list, click each item will display his article list.This module is very useful if you have multiple article edit users.
Module is also template based,you can customize your own templates.
4.10 CrossArticle_Archive
Display article archive by calendar and monthly,works the same as dnn standard blogs module. Click each item will display related article list.This module is very useful if you publish articles frequency.
Module is also template based,you can customize your own templates.
5. Other highlight features
5.1 Multiple user support
Authorized users can maitain their own folder/files and article/comment list.
5.2 Template based
All view interfaces (category list/article list /dashboard / article search /article detail/tag list/tag dashboard/article author) are template based, You can customize your own display interface.
5.3 Controllable
Each sub-module has its own control settings, Module provides more than 500 control parameters, give you the full control of this module.
5.4 Seach engineer friednly
Module will automatic generate page keywords using article name when view article detail.
5.5 Rss feed support.
Rss is everywhere in cross article module. You can subscibe article rss feed by category/by search term/by tag /by create user/by month/by module settings.. .etc, please try view, to test it.
5.6 Security assure
Check user input to prevent malice damage(like sql injection, script include,etc). Module also provide security code to prevent comment spam.
5.7 Multi-portal support
5.8 Full localization support with dnn standard online help
All the fields are self explained with dnn standard online help.