I have added the store to my website,
Home page : Store Menu, Store Catalog, Store Mini Basket
Store Admin Page: Store Admin
Store: Store Account
I have set the necessary pages correctly and added my paypal account ect.
Now when a user logs in and add's a item to the basket, it shows up in the mini basket. when they click on " VIEW BASKET" then it takes them too the Store page which holds the Store Account module. It says not able to view because of portal permissions. So i set the module and page to be able to be viewed by REGISTERED USERS and no one else. So that works.
My problem is. When a user logs in, add's items to the basket. If the user logouts instead of going to his basket to checkout. And then i log in with another username and password. The previous users items are still in the basket.
If the user does check his basket but doesnt order and logs out. And i log in with another username, the previous users items are still in the basket. Actually all the previous items are still in the basket.
How do i get the store account to only show the current users items. So when he logs out the basket is refreshed.
Please Help.
Kind Regards