Markdidit, Hey, I like your screen name. Thanks for your help. First, my installation completed last night much after midnight and I tried to change the default passwords and had some problems, put it off and went to bed. This AM the problems are still there. So it is working - but not well. So I want to continue this line of thought.
I notice a couple of differences between your strings and mine. First, you have included what I think is a port number (1433) after your server IP. =",1433; I did not do that. And the example strings do not have that. What advantage does that give you? Is it required and I missed that advice somewhere?
Secondly, you included ;Trusted_Connection=False" after your password. Is that related to running in a shared host with medium trust?
Thanks for your answers. And just to share some myself for future ref: One big problem for me was an extra semicolon on the second connection string. It was:
<add key="SiteSqlServer" value="Server=mwservername;Database=mydatabase;uid=MyUID;pwd=MyPass;"/>
It was creating an error and referenced that line. Finally I guessed to remove the last semicolon like this:
<add key="SiteSqlServer" value="Server=mwservername;Database=mydatabase;uid=MyUID;pwd=MyPass"/>
And the install finished. If it weren't for dumb luck, I'd have no luck at all.![](/Portals/25/ForumSmiley/confuse.gif)