You'r welcome, I try to offert a good support. Sometimes a "simple" question took a lot of time for give a detailled response. 
There is seven order status: Awaiting Payment, Paid, Processing, Awaiting Stock, Packing, Dispatched, Cancelled. When an order is placed, the same email is sent to the store administrator and to the customer. Only the email subject is different and the order status is set to Processing. This one is sent by the method generateOrderConfirmation() inside PaymentControlBase.cs and look like this:
Thank you for placing an order with [StoreName].
Please find below an order number and a summary of your order. You can check the status of your order at any time by logging into our site and clicking the "[StoreAccountTabName]" link. If you have any questions about your order, please feel free to contact us at [AdminStoreEmail], or simply reply to this message.
Order Number: [OrderNumber]
Order Date: [OrderDate]
Order Contents
[Quantity] x [ModelName] @ [UnitPrice] << 1 line by product
Sub-Total: [OrderTotal]
Shipping & Handling: [ShippingCost]
Tax: [Tax]
Total: [GrandTotal]
Billing Address:
Shipping To:
This invoice is subject to our terms of use.
If, for whatever reason, your order cannot be processed, then one of our customer services representatives will contact you shortly.
Once again, thank you for your order.
Now, it depends of the gateway provider used and if the provider callback the store. If you use the Email provider, then you have to write an email to the customer for payment instuctions or change to order status to Awaiting Payment (Store Admin module > Orders > Select the corresponding order by his order number > Change his status and Save). Alternatively, if you want add this instructions to the preceding email, you can edit the email resources (OrderTermsOfUse, OrderCannotBeProcessed, OrderThanks) used for create the email footer. For doing that, use the standard DNN Lanuage Editor (Host > Language > Language Editor), look inside Local Resources > DesktopModules > Store. If you use PayPal or Authorize provider, normaly the web site payment must callback the store after the transaction. If the payment succeed, then the order status is changed to Paid and the second email is sent to the store administrator and to the customer. This other one is sent by the method SendOrderStatusChangeEmail inside CustomerOrder.ascx.cs and look like this:
You recently placed an order with [StoreName]
This order ([OrderNumber]) has changed status to "[OrderStatus]".
If the order require payment
IMPORTANT: Your order now requires payment. You can make a secure online payment via PayPal (using a credit/debit card or your PayPal account) by logging into our site and clicking "[StoreAccountTabName]" followed by "[OrderHistoryTitle]". If you wish to pay via a method other than PayPal, or would like to cancel your order, please contact us at [AdminStoreEmail], or simply reply to this message.
If you have any questions about this change, please feel free to contact us at [AdminStoreEmail], or simply reply to this message.
You can check the status of your order at any time by logging in to our site and clicking the [StoreAccountTabName] link.
Once again, thank you for your order.
This email content can be changed too with the Language Editor.