You'r right, the Store module 02.01.00 is an upgrade of WWStore 02.00.08. But, you are wrong about other points. 
I explain, if a user installed version 01.00.01 and that it applies the update towards 02.01.00, all its data (categories, products, orders,…) will be preserved! Because both versions use the same table names and the xxxx.sqldataproviders files simply upgrade those tables.
For users of WWStore 02.00.08, I will provide an SQL script for moving data from WWStore tables to Store tables. Thus, this users have to install first the new offical version (02.01.00), apply the sript, then uninstall the WWStore module. The script will be available on www.dotnetnuke.fr when the offical Store module will be released.
Unfortunaly, there is no "simple" way for moving products from Store 01.00.01 to WWStore 02.00.08, because the table names are differents! You can use DTS for doing that or write an SQL script. As a guideline, you have to import caterories first, then the products.