Joined: 10/11/2003
Posts: 1966
Hi David,
I agree but! 
It's not so simple. I will try to explain how the page is build by the template system of WWStore. The StoreFront module is just an "empty shell" with a place holder. When the module is loaded, the catalog.htm file is read and parsed (this default value can be changed in module settings). It contains key words (tokens) to define the order of the various blocks (New, Featured, Category, ...). For each block, the corresponding products data set is read and the second level of template is computed. Again the file name of the next template is defined in settings (NewProduct.htm, FeaturedProduct.htm, ...). This time, the template file contain html code and tokens. Then, each file are parsed and tokens replaced by suitable asp.net controls filled with product values.
That means that it is not enough to simply replace the value of a link. It's a complex system. It would be necessary to modify many parts of code. Moreover, it would be necessary to add two controls for each table of attribute (view and edit mode) and two more to manage the groups. That is to say at least eight controls! This is why I said that is a lot of work! The database modifications are simple, but not their implementation.
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www.adeptris.com Joined: 4/26/2006
Posts: 35
Hi Gilles
I have seen the [Tokens] in the html, and the xml files, so I do have an overview, I will look at the weekend, it is likely to be to big a project to start with, but I do pick things up really fast.
I thought about the link already, and decided that I would not touch the store system code, just leave that as standard, add new forms based on the standard ones, create the controls, just for the add to cart, and populate the standard tables, as I said I will take it slow and start with the tutorials! , it just seems a shame that the pricing has not been developed more, and the modules you can purchase also fall short in the pricing area.
But there is a need for muliple pricing, I have written business logic code every day for 10 years, but not a standard language, so I should be able to pick it up! if I can find some simple instructions!
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Joined: 10/11/2003
Posts: 1966
Hi David,
It's a good idea to not change the core system of the store module. But, I do not know how you can do what you want without modifiyng parts of the module. This last 4 month, I have create 5 new versions of WWStore for the French DotNetNuke User Group. That took many time for well understanding how the module is structured. It is the system more well designed which I saw until now.
I also think that this kind of project is strategic for the community. But it is also very difficult to satisfy the needs for each one. This is why I thought of a simpler solution and especially generic.
My last recommendation so that you starts to develop under good conditions, will be to buy the book “Professional DotNetNuke 4”. You will find there all the information essential to understand how to create a module.
We (team members) are Humans offering their knowledge, their work and their spare time FOR FREE to benefit the community. It would be so particularly appreciated that your messages begin with "Hello" and end with "Thank you" or any other form of politeness. Ask yourself what your reaction would be, if you were approached by me (a total stranger) on the street to ask you something without saying "Hello" nor "Thank you"? After several years of services dedicated to the community, I begin to be tired to read requests without any form of politeness.
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www.adeptris.com Joined: 4/26/2006
Posts: 35
The way to do this without changing the store system, is simple add a new set of templates, copied from the standard ones with the add to cart call changed, the pricing module will be stand alone, linked to the store product, via a lookup, when selecting add to cart, if the product has an entry in the new Product and Price Group Table table, the matrix will be offered, and a cart entry made based on selection, if not the standard price will be added to the cart, all the rest will be standard store functions.
Thanks for the book recommendation!
I have Ordered "Professional DotNetNuke 4" and "Professional DotNetNuke ASP.NET Portals", from Amazon, they are well discounted! , and will arrive Saturday!
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Joined: 10/11/2003
Posts: 1966
Hi David,
The problem is not in the templates. Indeed, it been enough to make a copy. If you adds your control directly in the template, I am not sure that it will be correctly instanciated. In addition, you will not be able to bind an event to load the list of the prices. In my opinion, simplest would be to add a token such as [PRICEGROUP]. Look inside the files ProductDetail.ascx.cs and ProductList.ascx.cs. At the end, you will find a processToken procedure. This is a delegate called for replace each token by a real control. In this way, you could preserve a certain flexibility to benefit from future updates. With only one modification in the core at a quite precise place, it will be enough for you to copy your code and rebuild the project.
Concerning the books, they are the same one! The first is only the update of the second.
Adeptris wrote
The way to do this without changing the store system, is simple add a new set of templates, copied from the standard ones with the add to cart call changed, the pricing module will be stand alone, linked to the store product, via a lookup, when selecting add to cart, if the product has an entry in the new Product and Price Group Table table, the matrix will be offered, and a cart entry made based on selection, if not the standard price will be added to the cart, all the rest will be standard store functions.
Thanks for the book recommendation!
I have Ordered "Professional DotNetNuke 4" and "Professional DotNetNuke ASP.NET Portals", from Amazon, they are well discounted! , and will arrive Saturday!
We (team members) are Humans offering their knowledge, their work and their spare time FOR FREE to benefit the community. It would be so particularly appreciated that your messages begin with "Hello" and end with "Thank you" or any other form of politeness. Ask yourself what your reaction would be, if you were approached by me (a total stranger) on the street to ask you something without saying "Hello" nor "Thank you"? After several years of services dedicated to the community, I begin to be tired to read requests without any form of politeness.
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