Crispy wrote
Please bear with me as I have the attention span of a toddler. 
I am not exactly sure how to answer because I am not sure what exactly you are asking, so please read the response here and let me know if this helps (this is my basic understanding w/ no research).
When a request is sent via IIS to a folder (your virtual directory or virtual webserver) It is the System account which does this. The next step when it hits the folder is the windows security (popup for authentication). Windows then checks to see if the anonymous access is enabled. If so, the requesting user is treated as the IUSR_ account. If anon ax is not enabled it then prompts for login and instead of being the IUSR_ account, it uses the account which you logged in with in that popup.
Yes, however, depending how you have users setup (at work we have the user <domain>/USERS (and USERS is everyone who is a user in that domain), the popup asking for name, pass, and domain may or may not come up.
The ability of you as a user through the browser now uses this account against NTFS permissions for all calls(either ISUR_ or the logged in win act.). For all calls which are done from the application itself, the system now users the ASPNET user (or Network Service on 2k3) which was kicked in the minute the site had a request via IIS. The application also does calls to the .NET framework using the System account. The seperation of the two accounts here is why some items in a dnn folder's install require special perms for ASPNET or Network services, and the rest just need it for the ISUR_.
Yep, so at least I understand that correctly when I read Microsoft's explanation on their website. I don't have a doctoral in linguisitcs, so my head starts to hurt if I read too much at MS 
Now, for your SQL Server. I would like a bit of backing on this one, but I think the way it works is (if you are not using SQL Server authentication, but using windows/Trusted Connection), it attempts to connect to SQL Server via the System account. What this means to us is that if you are using a trusted connection to go against a SQL Server, it has nothing to do with the window account and therefore doesn't require additional users in SQL Server. Personally, I prefer to do the SQL authentication and create a new user in SQL Server for each database and DNN install.
Again, speaking in terms of where I work at, when we connect to the SQL server (we use SQL Server 7), I think we do use a Trusted Connection. I can't remote in at the moment because the shipyard is shutdown for the x-mas holidays, and major replacement of power and LAN cabling due to Hurricane Katrina. Since I am not a SQL Server guru, please forgive me if I am way off base, but I know that somehow the person's login is passed to SQL, and I want to say its by the SESSION("login") variable, but again I can't verify that with the files or the SQL Server Reg properties at this moment. Digress---I do know the users login is grabbed upon initial hit of the global.asa file, and there is also code in there that generates a password and sets SESSION("uPass") for them. After adding a user, we exec ussp_setPass that creates a pass using the same algorithm as the global.asa. Sooo, maybe we aren't using Trusted after all. I wish I could login to check it.....
If we decide to use DNN on our intranet, I am assuming that we will be able to still grab the person's unique login upon initial page hit (Visual Studio .NET uses global.aspx = Visual Studio 6.0 global.asa?), set the password, and continue on as normal. My main concern is that if I am John Doe the Electrical Foreman, I do not need to be seeing Payroll Data, nor do I need to see what work is not being completed on one of the destroyer hulls. Since we have 4 facilities in 2 states, and 17,000 employees in our sector (not counting other sectors associated with us), it would not be feasible to have everyone register on the site.
If possible, I would like to maybe IM / e-mail you when I can remote in, grab some code and a few screenshots. That way, I can show exactly how IT has us setup, and what would be the best way to config a possible DNN?