As much as I love and have used DotNetNuke to provide soem great websites for clients, eCommerce has been the one ellusive butterfly. I have had only marginal and sporatic success it seems getting store modules that work adn that are not so complicated it takes a rocket scientist to use them. I have used Portal Store, Catalook (way too complicated for mortals), DNN Store, and now the "fixed" version - Web Warehouse. I have used it on multiple servers and multiple versions of DNN, but in every case ther is always soemthing that does not work.
WebWarehouse had me excite, I admit. It installed without a hitch. I began adding categories and products with no problems. But now I am back to the same error as with DNN Store. When I select links in the admin module - Store Info, Categories, Products, Orders, or Reviews I get this error:
A critical error has occurred.
Unable to cast object of type 'ASP.desktopmodules_wwstore_account_ascx' to type 'DotNetNuke.Modules.WWStore.WebControls.Store'.
Other than the module specified in the error this is the same error DNN Store was giving.
Is there some step I might have missed, some setting that may need correcting, or should I give up?