no, sorry, the only way to fix that would require a code change
you would have to make 2 changes and both would be in the form.ascx.vb file...
first, in the CreateInputForm function, find the case statement where the AUTHORNAME and AUTHOREMAIL tags are processed. You'll see code that checks to see if the user is logged in, and if so, it will set the author field to the user's fullname, then make the field disabled so you can't change it. Just comment out the line that set's the textbox's enabled property to false. You should make the same change for the AUTHOREMAIL tag.
If HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then
objTextbox.Text = UserInfo.Profile.FullName
' objtextbox.Enabled = False
End If |
The second change would be in the
btnUpload_Click function that saves the data when you click Submit. In the current version, the author name and email are only saved when an item is intially uploaded, not on an edit. So find the code that looks at the AuthorName and AuthorEMail textboxes and change the code to save any new values.
' the author field and should only be populated on new uploads, not edits.
' Persist the UserId during edits even if edited by an admin or super user account
Dim AuthorField As TextBox = PlaceHolder.FindControl("__AuthorName")
If Not AuthorField Is Nothing Then
If objRepository.ItemId = -1 Then
objRepository.Author = AuthorField.Text.Trim()
End If
End If
' Persist the AuthorName during edits
Dim AuthorField As TextBox = PlaceHolder.FindControl("__AuthorName")
If Not AuthorField Is Nothing Then
objRepository.Author = AuthorField.Text.Trim()
End If
And again, make the same change for the AuthorEMail field.
Those 2 changes will allow you to edit the AuthorName and EMail address and have those changes saved when you Submit the form.